I then briefly considered creating a bash function that would determine manage.py's location on every invocation but figured that was silly and decided I might as leverage virtualenv's virtual environment and as Ron Popiel says, "You set it and forget it!"
It only took a minute of poking to find the postactivate hook file within my ~/.virtualenvs directory. Below is the fruit of my labor.
# ~/.virtualenvs/postactive
# This hook is run after every virtualenv is activated.
MANAGE_PY=$(find "$SRC_DIR/$VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME" -name "manage.py" -type f)
if [ -e "$MANAGE_PY" ]
alias django="python $MANAGE_PY"
unalias django
unalias django
The end result is that I have a new django alias that will work anywhere and act as though I typed python manage.py
jbisbee@beni:~$ workon django-tutorial
(django-tutorial)jbisbee@beni:~$ alias | grep django
alias django='python /Users/jbisbee/src/django-tutorial/mysite/manage.py'
Disclaimer: I'm making a big assumption here that the virtualenv name you're using is identical to the name of the project you're working on. It's a pretty big assumption so I apologize if it does't work right out of the box for you.
Happy to see I'm not the only one that hates typing manage.py. My `django` alias walks up the directory tree based on how fabric finds fabfile. It's not pretty, but it works so I've never cleaned it up: https://github.com/crccheck/dotfiles/blob/master/bin/django